Allen K. Le
Chief Executive Officer
Allen brings a wealth of experience to New Biotic, Inc. spanning over 25 years serving in executive management and senior leadership roles.
He has had several successful startups as the Co-Founder of Mojave Systems, Inc., with over $14 million in funding contracts and, since 2009, the Founder and President of JVT Consulting, Inc. specializing in Medical Products Development. Allen also has been with many mid-sized and large multi-national corporations, such as Unitek Corporation, Perkin-Elmer, and Alcon Laboratories, Inc., across many industries including Healthcare, Medical Devices, Laboratories, Consumer Products, and Aerospace. At JVT Consulting, Inc., Allen was a highly respected Executive Consultant to CEOs/Senior Executives in the areas of Strategic Planning, Profitable Business Model, Product Marketing, Product Development and Regulatory Compliance. He also gained knowledge and experience running and managing a publicly traded company being the Chief Operating Officer, COO, at midiSoft, Inc., later acquired by RecordLab Corporation in Santa Monica, California.
Among his many achievements, Allen holds several US Patents for an Eye Laser Surgical Device and provisional patent for a Physician-Centric Health Care Delivery Platform. Allen graduated from Cal Polytechnic University, Pomona, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electronics and Computer Engineering.