- Age: 51
- Speech function: No
- Bedridden: Yes, on ventilator
- Motor movement: Lost control of all motor functions except eye movement
- Swallow food: No, required feeding tube
- Pain: Required morphine shots
- Prognosis: Given 1 month to live
Treatment Process
- 2 weeks: Move fingers.
- 3 weeks: Move one eye lid.
- 6 weeks: Off morphine, move both eyelids, gained 6 lbs.
- 7 weeks: -Taken off treatment-
Condition deteriorated. Requires morphine again.
- 8 weeks: -Resumed treatment-
- 3 months: Can feel hands and back
- 3.5 months: Can move tongue
- 17 months: -Treatment stopped-
Died 3 months after. Lived 20 months from beginning treatment.